Oppression on the inside is invisible.
When despair descends, when joy seems elusive, when beauty is obscured by depression… to whittle on a stick… to paint lofty clouds within hues of cobalt blue… to mold soft clay on a potter’s wheel… to write a poem… create a garden… squeeze a waltz from accordion keys
…in a quiet safe haven… in brief moments of calm… healing can begin.
Quite a lady of the wild west, 705 Railroad Avenue is one of the oldest commercial buildings remaining on the village main street. Built as a cantina between 1884-1900, her exterior is 25′ wide and 85′ long. She survived the flood of 1906, the tornado of 1930, at least two fires of closely adjacent buildings and decades of neglect. After lengthy negotiations the historic adobe structure was acquired for use as an art center for veterans and future movie house for the village community. The challenging project to save her, to restore her to operational use, to leave a lasting legacy is underway.
We cannot accomplish this dream without your help and your support.
A Veteran Affair
P.O. Box 153
Wagon Mound, NM 87752
for information contact: info@awagonmoundveteranaffair.org
Monetary gifts to this endeavor have never been nor will ever be used for personal purposes.
We are at this time seeking a new fiscal sponsor and will update asap.
- The Cantina before acquisition
- One month later – just a cosmetic job and seven pick-up loads to the dump for a start.
- The Frontier Communities Façade Squad – a NM MainStreet project – made this next transformation possible – as well as two other buildings on the strip.